Green Programs
Interested in offsetting your carbon footprint?

Sterling Planet is the nation's most trusted retail provider of carbon offsets. When you purchase, your emissions will be compensated for by canceling out greenhouse gas emissions somewhere else in the world through emission mitigation projects. 

Click Here
"Always do right - this will gratify some and astonish the rest."

~Mark Twain  


Businesses of all sizes, colleges and universities, government agencies, utilities and individual consumers turn to Sterling Planet to help meet their sustainability goals. Our comprehensive approach includes the nation’s first White Tags® energy efficiency certificates, Green-e® Energy certified renewable energy certificates (RECs), and direct carbon offsets. These solutions help to counterbalance your environmental footprint while allowing you to support programs and projects that help build our cleaner energy future, grow the economy and avoid climate change.


If you have any questions, or want to get more information about our programs/services,
please contact us.

We look forward to assisting you.

Our Office Location

6200 Avalon Blvd
Alpharetta GA
Contact Information

Phone: 877-457-7712
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